It can get better.

Does this sound familiar?


  • My teen is so angry all the time

  • They’re so unmotivated

  • My teen worries about everything

  • They they have to be perfect

  • It’s like they changed overnight

  • I think they’re using drugs & alcohol

  • I’ve tried everything to help

  • I don’t know what else to do

  • They seem fine, but I know something is wrong


  • Debilitating anxiety

  • Fear of failure

  • I’m terrified of the future

  • Academic pressure

  • Anger

  • Substance use

  • Relationship stuff

  • Overwhelming sadness

  • I can’t turn off my brain

  • Friend drama

  • I don’t really like myself

  • Family stuff

  • Stress, stress & more stress

    “And I don’t talk to anyone about this”


I totally get them!

  • They’re often moody and unpredictable

  • They have an enormous passion for life

  • Their friends are everything to them

  • They’re smart and funny

  • And they have fantastic taste in music, tv and movies

  • But they don’t fully know themselves yet

Working together in therapy will feel easy!

Why Me?




for your busy schedules


Teens like me


They appreciate that I’m easy to talk to, honest, funny & knowledgeable


Doing the work of therapy together

My sessions are personal and casual, which allows for you and your teen to quickly and easily feel comfortable with me.

But don’t mistake casual for not working.

Will I tell parents everything?

Absolutely not. I’m strict about maintaining the confidentiality of my clients. This means that you will be able to easily be vulnerable and honest with me during sessions.



How does confidentiality work for teens in therapy?

Confidentiality is the same for all individuals in therapy. Everything that is shared in a therapy session is kept confidential, with these exceptions:

  • The client is a danger towards him/herself

  • There is a threat of safety towards others

  • If there is a report of past or current abuse

How do parents know what’s happening in their teen’s therapy?

I don’t share the details of therapy sessions with anyone, even parents. If there is something of concern, I will obtain permission from the child to share with the parent. If safety or harm is an issue, however, those things are reported regardless of client permission.

Tips to Parents regarding confidentiality

You have sought therapy for your teen. Or maybe they asked for it. So the therapeutic experience belongs to them. If you ask and they don’t want to share the details with you, then I strongly encourage you to accept that request and not push it any further.